guided selling

Combining consumer psychology and machine learning
to humanise your online sales journeys and model real-time
profiles for up to 70% of your prospects.

You’ll be in good company…

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A human approach to guided selling

Having too many options is overwhelming and often means that we struggle to choose at all. Even if we make a good choice, it’s easy to imagine we left that one, perfect option on the shelf.

Your customers face this every time they visit your site. And, online, there’s no sales assistant to turn them into a confident buyer.

At 15gifts, we believe in a more human online experience - one that uses deep psychology principles to recreate the craft of experienced in-store sales assistants.

Optimise your online sales

Give your customers a more meaningful online experience - one that helps them find exactly what they need, inspires them to buy and crucially, boosts your sales.

We achieve this by bringing core consumer psychology principles to the digital world through advanced machine learning.

Access the power of Profiles

Our engine generates in-depth Profiles that reveal your customers’ buying motivations. You can use these insights to power untapped personalisation strategies, beyond the 15gifts engine.

Armed with our Profile data, you could tailor your website to each customer type, predict the behaviour of new visitors, empower your call centre teams, and so much more.

Gain a team of true experts

Work with us and you’ll gain a team of 15gifts data scientists, recommendation engineers and marketing specialists who are accountable for success on your site.

Providing all the skilled resource you need, whenever you need it, your 15gifts team focuses on delivering your KPIs, enhancing performance and continually optimising the engine.

customer buying recommendations made every month
of all sales on our partners’ websites now come from customers who use the engine to make decisions
of customers who engage complete the journey, generating unique data rich profiles every time
Mobile Solution of the Year with EE / Retail Partnership of the Year (Online) with O2
Best Customer Conversion Platform
Our partnership with 15gifts and launch of our guided selling tool has been key in enhancing our online customer experience over the last year. The results have been great, with more and more customers using the tool and with an increased conversion rate.
Sonia Khella
Senior Product Owner - Vodafone UK
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