15gifts and O2

O2 and 15gifts have partnered for the last 8 years, delivering a guided
selling engine that has helped an average of 80k users per month with
their purchasing decisions and drives over 5k monthly assisted sales.

In April 2023, O2 were looking to enhance their customers’ out-of-hours experience and drive additional traffic to both the 15gifts engine and to their WhatsApp channel, via a contact engagement offer.

Thousands of customers have already been supported in their out-of-hours purchasing decision and O2 have been able to generate an uplift in sales.  The tool has provided a significant increase in traffic through to the 15gifts engine, resulting in a +50% uplift to conversion during these traditionally low traffic time periods. The solution is also driving valuable traffic to the WhatsApp channel ready for a “wake up” sequence the following morning.

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