Trudi Baker
Senior Marketing Manager

Published: August 14, 2024

We’re pedalling our way to Kyiv

An exercise bike, a banging playlist, new cycling t-shirts and a whole lot of encouragement. These are just a few of the things that are powering the 15gifts team challenge of cycling 2,545km.

Are we all regular cyclists? Not at all!

Is that stopping us getting involved? Nope!

The team spirit has been incredible over the past week, celebrating every cyclist’s achievements – and there have been some impressive distances covered. In fact, we covered over half the distance just 4 days into the challenge.

What is the challenge?

On 15th August 2022, the 15gifts team began a virtual cycling relay, covering the distance from our office in Brighton, to the city of Kyiv in Ukraine. The whole team has signed up to help us get there, taking it in turns to cycle every weekday between 7am and 7pm. Some of us have been cycling in the office, others have contributed from home.

Between us, we’ll be covering a total distance of 2,545km in just 12 days, all in aid of the DEC Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal.

Why are we cycling?

The fundraising is in aid of the Disasters Emergency Committee, a charity that organises disaster relief across the globe, for people in desperate need. The 15gifts team has chosen to support the Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal to help support more than 10 million Ukrainians who have fled their homes to escape the conflict in their country. People have been forced to leave behind jobs, belongings and their loved ones, in order to seek safety. They are in desperate need of shelter, food, medical assistance and protection.

DEC charities and their local partners are in Ukraine and neighbouring countries, working to meet the immediate needs of all people fleeing.

• £30 could provide essential hygiene supplies for three people for one month
• £50 could provide blankets for 4 families to keep them warm
• £100 could provide emergency food for two families for one month

We’re pedalling our way to a £15,000 fundraising goal to help support the incredible work of this charity. We still have a way to go to meet our target. If you’re reading this, we appreciate every donation no matter how big or small.

Donate here

Our amazing team

The team spirit has been inspiring. The support and encouragement shown every day, for every cyclist, has been incredible. Team members who wouldn’t ordinarily interact on a daily basis have come together to work towards one common goal, our remote colleagues have been cycling from home and sharing their achievements.

There’s been times we’ve gotten tired, and if we’re being honest, a bit hot and sweaty! But there’s always someone on hand to cheer us on, give words of encouragement, and even supply the water and fuel.

We’ve still got a little way to go, but there will be big celebrations when the last cyclist makes it over the finish line. A celebration of achievement, team spirit and raising money for those who so desperately need our support.

What’s next?

Is this our last challenge? Probably not! We’re excited to find new ways to support charities and our local community so keep an eye out for our next crazy idea. The 15gifts running club has now launched, perhaps there’s a sponsored run on the horizon…

In the meantime, we’ll keep cycling. You never know, we might have made it to Kyiv by the time you’ve read this post.

Just a friendly reminder, there’s still time to donate through our Just Giving page.

Donate here

We’re always on the lookout for great talent, if you’d like to learn more about what we do or current vacancies, get in touch.

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